Lorenzo Alberton
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AJAX, Apache, Book Review, Charset, Cheat Sheet, Data structures, Database, Firebird SQL, Hadoop, Imagick, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, JavaScript, Kafka, Linux, Message Queues, mod_rewrite, Monitoring, MySQL, NoSQL, Oracle, PDO, PEAR, Performance, PHP, PostgreSQL, Profiling, Scalability, Security, SPL, SQL Server, SQLite, Testing, Tutorial, TYPO3, Windows, Zend FrameworkZend Framework testing: emulating HTTP calls
How to test HTTP calls using Zend Framework, using Dependency Injection and a stub HTTP Client. Read article
Updated articles to extract META informations from databases
By popular request, I've updated my articles explaining how to retrieve meta data from your DBMS (Firebird SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server). Have fun. Read article
PEAR::Translation2 tutorials - "backend" usage
This second Translation2 tutorial shows how to add, update and remove languages and translations. Read article
PEAR::Translation2 tutorials - "frontend" usage
This first Translation2 tutorial shows how to deal with translated strings: how to fetch them one by one or in groups, and how to transform, cache and decorate them. Read article
PEAR::Translation2 Tutorials
I just released the first stable version of Translation2. Here's an overview of the package, its purpose and its design. Read article
PHP 5.3 SPL data structures: SplStack, SplHeap, SplPriorityQueue, SplDoublyLinkedList
A sneak peak at some new SPL data structures (stack, heap, queue, list) introduced in PHP 5.3. Read article
PHP 5.3 SPL goodies: GlobIterator, SplFileObject and CSV files
A sneak peak at some SPL goodies introduced in PHP 5.3: The GlobIterator and SplFileObject classes. Read article
PEAR MDB2 2.5.0b1 released
A new beta release of MDB2 is out. Enjoy! Read article
Book review: "PHP Oracle Web Development" by Yuli Vasiliev
Review of the book "PHP Oracle Web Development" by Yuli Vasiliev (Packt Publishing). Book contents, highlights and impressions. A sample chapter is included. Read article
Extracting META information from Interbase/Firebird SQL (INFORMATION_SCHEMA)
Extracting META informations from Interbase/Firebird System Tables (INFORMATION_SCHEMA) Read article